Soul Mending™: The New Updated Reiki and Its Ancient Lineage
Soul Mending™ is the new, updated form of Reiki—an advanced, transformative healing system that goes beyond traditional Reiki’s focus on Universal or Divine Life Force Energy. While Reiki is the Japanese term for this energy, the true roots of these healing energies stretch back to ancient Egypt, when the Blue Ray system, as part of the Council of Light, first brought these energies to Earth. Their primary purpose was to elevate the energies of the planet, offering healing, wisdom, and universal truth. These energies were never meant to just heal the body, but to shift the consciousness of humanity and align us with the higher frequencies of love, unity, and spiritual sovereignty.
There exists a special lineage of this energy, starting with the Blue Ray Starseeds, who first anchored this energy on Earth. It then flowed through the ages, from great figures like King David, Abraham, Buddha, and Jesus, to Mikao Usui, William Lee Rand, and then to myself. As a Blue Ray, I am given the mission to help elevate these energies once again, as we are on the precipice of the creation of our New Earth. This is a pivotal moment in human history, where we are coming out of the dark ages and stepping into a world based on love and light.
Trauma has been the culprit, keeping us vibrating at lower frequencies and hindering our spiritual growth. It suppresses our true essence and prevents us from stepping into our highest potential. We must release the trauma and all its repressed emotions in order to ascend to the next level of our spiritual evolution. The trauma keeps us powerless, constantly looking for outside validation when we are already everything, and nothing exists outside of ourselves.
The energies of Soul Mending™ are being brought forward at this time to help us navigate this transition. It’s clear that we’ve entered a new era, but it will take time, and there will inevitably be chaos. Yet, we are blessed to be alive during such an important time, as we take part in the collective healing and elevation of humanity. As we embrace the wisdom of the Blue Ray and work together, we will begin to co-create a world of harmony, truth, and light—the true love matrix.
Through Soul Mending™, we are not only healing ourselves but actively contributing to the healing of the world, aligning our energies with the highest frequencies of the divine, and stepping into our full spiritual sovereignty.
My name is Lorena Rossi, and I have the honor of channeling the wisdom, updated energies, and transformative 5-step process of Soul Mending™—a powerful journey designed to guide us out of darkness and into the light. As a vessel for this divine mission, I am here to carry and share the message of Soul Mending™ with the world. These energies are stored within me. Over the years, as I focused on my own healing, I was able to access this wisdom and these transformative energies. Now, the time has come to share them with you, as humanity collectively ascends and moves into the next phase of evolution.
I trust that the progressive levels of Soul Mending™—which I was guided to create—will support you as you move through the challenges and struggles of your current situation. These levels are designed to move you through to the other realms of reality—realms of abundance, love, joy, wisdom, sovereignty, and ascension.
This work would not have been possible without the support of my spiritual team and my closest and trusted friends and healers—Elena, Lynda, Jade, and Jessica. I take a moment to thank them for their tremendous contributions. They are such extraordinary forces, and this work cannot be done alone. I am deeply grateful for those who walk with me on this path as they too follow their mission to help humanity awaken.