Soul Mending™ Facilitator Certification

If you are a holistic practitioner or therapist seeking to assist your clients in healing trauma, Soul Mending™ offers a beautiful and straightforward self-healing process. It is designed to release fear and trauma from the body, allowing the fragmented soul parts to return home and fostering a sense of wholeness and inner balance. This program is also open to anyone interested in embarking on a personal soul healing journey.

The Soul Mending™ Facilitator Certification offers an in-depth exploration of how trauma affects our soul. Through Soul Mending™, we focus on energetic healing to establish harmony within the mind, body, and soul. Traumatic experiences are a universal part of life, and they profoundly influence our overall well-being. When we experience trauma, it can lead to soul fragmentation, resulting in a loss of personal power. As a consequence, we may find ourselves living in survival mode, feeling disconnected from our genuine and authentic selves.

If you're a holistic practitioner or therapist seeking to assist your clients in healing trauma, Soul Mending™ offers a valuable tool to deepen your understanding of their pain and provide the support and guidance they need on their healing journey. By becoming a Soul Mending™ Facilitator, you can be equipped to help your clients effectively navigate their healing process and be a source of empowerment and transformation in their lives.

What are the requirements? To become a certified Soul Mending™ Facilitator, you need to have a profound passion for assisting others in their healing journey.

Your primary role is to hold space for their healing journey. As a facilitator, your guidance and support are essential as they delve into their wounds. Encourage your client to focus on their inner self, and remember that they hold the answers within themselves, not you.

Soul Mending™ Facilitator Certification
Winter 2024 Class // 8 weeks

Starting Saturday, February 24th until Saturday April 13th
$897 CAD per person / Max. 8 people

Class dates:
Saturday, February 24th 1-4pm (online)
Saturday, March 2nd 1-4pm (online)
Saturday, March 9th 11-4pm (in-person - Studio 414)
Saturday, March 16th 1-4pm (online)
Saturday, March 23rd 1-4pm (online)
Saturday, March 30th 11-4pm (in-person - Studio 414)
Saturday, April 6th 1-4pm (online)
Saturday, April 13th 1-4pm (online)

All online sessions are recorded and shared with the members of the group.

The Soul Mending™ Facilitator Certification is a 8-week program. It includes over 25 hours of online and in-person classes with ongoing support during and after the certification.

In each class, you'll have the opportunity to embark on your healing journey. Together, we'll create a space to explore our subconscious, unveiling wounds, gaining new perspectives on our experiences. Sharing stories and supporting one another in this sacred space, we emphasize respect, confidentiality, and mutual support—a key to a successful healing circle. This might be precisely what you need now. Engaging in your personal healing is instrumental for fully comprehending the intricacies of Soul Mending™ and, in turn, guiding others on their Soul Mending™ journey.

This program is brimming with information and exploration. You'll delve into your Chakra system, refine your psychic abilities, and much more.

Soul Mending™ Facilitator Certification General Outline

Understanding Trauma
Trauma, a term that has gained prominence in recent years, encompasses a vast range of experiences and their profound effects on individuals. It refers to the emotional and psychological wounds resulting from distressing events, leaving an enduring impact on a person's psyche. To truly grasp the depth and complexity of trauma, it is crucial to explore its various dimensions and understand its intricate implications for personal well-being.

The Effects of Trauma on Our Mind and Body
Trauma is an experience that can leave a profound impact on our lives. It can arise from a range of distressing events, including accidents, abuse, natural disasters, or the loss of loved ones. While trauma is often associated with immediate distress, its effects can also extend far beyond the initial experience. From the mind to the body, trauma has the power to shape and alter our very being.

The Effects of Trauma on Our Soul
Trauma has a profound and enduring impact on the human soul. Its effects, like ripples in a pond, reach far beyond the initial moment of distress, stretching into the core of our being. While physical wounds may heal, the wounds inflicted on the soul often linger, festering deep within, and altering the trajectory of one's life. It is vital to acknowledge the lasting consequences of trauma on our spiritual and emotional well-being, for only in understanding its lengthening effects can we hope to begin the journey of healing and restoration.The soul, an intricate tapestry woven with our experiences and emotions, can fray under the weight of trauma, leaving us burdened and disconnected. The prolonged effects of trauma can manifest themselves in various ways, such as anxiety, depression, and difficulty in forming and maintaining healthy relationships. Often, it is the invisible wounds of the soul that endure the longest, gradually eroding our sense of self and impacting our ability to find solace and meaning in life.

The Fragmented Soul
In the depths of each person's being lies a remarkable tapestry of emotions, experiences, and memories. Like the delicate threads of a tapestry, the soul weaves together the essence of who we are, forming a cohesive whole. However, life's trials and tribulations can sometimes shatter this delicate fabric, leaving behind a fragmented soul yearning for healing and restoration.
When the soul becomes fragmented, it loses its harmony and balance. Like incomplete puzzle pieces, these fractured fragments wander, searching for their rightful place within the greater whole. Each fragment holds a piece of the individual, an untold story yearning to be heard.

The Effects of Fear and Trauma on The Chakra System
In the realm of energy healing, the chakra system, an ancient concept rooted in Hindu and Buddhist traditions, serves as a fundamental framework for understanding the subtle energy centres within our bodies. Comprised of seven main chakras, these spinning wheels of energy are thought to regulate our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. However, when fear and trauma take hold, the delicate balance of the chakra system can be disrupted, leading to profound effects on our overall health.

Journeying to Access the Subconscious
Have you ever wondered about the vast depths of your subconscious—the mysterious realm that holds the key to our deepest desires, fears, and hidden potential? Journeying into the subconscious can be an incredibly enlightening and transformative experience, allowing us to tap into the wellspring of our minds and unlock our true selves. It is where you will explore and find your lost soul parts.

Soul Mending™: The 5-Step Self-Healing Process
Soul Mending™ is a powerful and transformative self-healing process designed to bring balance, clarity, and harmony into your life. With its 5-step approach, it provides a roadmap for deep, lasting healing of the mind, body, and soul. By following these steps, you can lengthen your journey towards inner peace and wholeness.

How to Recognize Healing Opportunities
Healing is a transformative journey that can bring profound growth, self-discovery, and inner peace. While healing can be a personal and unique process, recognizing the opportunities for healing is crucial for one's overall well-being.

Learn How to Conduct a Soul Mending™ Session
Soul Mending™ is a transformative practice that nurtures the well-being of individuals through the healing of their souls. As a practitioner, your role is to guide and facilitate a session that empowers your clients to explore their inner selves, understand their emotions, and ultimately find healing and growth. We will delve into the steps required to conduct a Soul Mending™ session effectively.

It's a good idea to buy the Soul Mending™ book before starting, although it is not mandatory.

During the 8-week Soul Mending™ Facilitator Certification, you will experience the healing process yourself and receive guidance as you explore your own healing journey. This program offers not only the opportunity to learn the transformative self-healing process but also firsthand experience of its profound effects.

It's only through personally experiencing the entire process that you can truly understand it, empathize with others, and effectively hold space, guide, and support someone else on their journey. Your own journey of understanding and healing is a crucial step in becoming a compassionate and capable facilitator. So, embrace the process, and it will undoubtedly enhance your ability to help others.

Soul Mending™ extends beyond a simple healing process; it encompasses a path towards living a more profound and interconnected life. It invites self-reflection, accountability, and introspection, providing a unique chance to heal personal, ancestral, and collective karma through deep energetic healing.

Soul Mending is not a shortcut solution. It is a step-by-step process and a journey that requires commitment. Soul Mending™ will empower you with the understanding that everything you need is already within you.

If you are unsure whether this certification is the right fit for you, we can schedule a call to have a discussion. I am here to provide answers to any questions you may have and address any concerns. You also have the option to experience Soul Mending™ firsthand by scheduling a session with me, Lorena Rossi.

Upon completing the program, you will receive a certificate and have the opportunity to be listed as a Soul Mending™ Facilitator on our website.

It's important to note that this opportunity isn't just limited to practitioners or therapists. If you're on your own healing journey and eager to dive deeper into trauma healing, this is for you too.

To express your interest in joining the Soul Mending™ Facilitator Certification group, please email me at